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Books: The Nearest Faraway Place

The Nearest Faraway Place: Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys and the Southern California Experience (Timothy White). Henry Holt, 1994. The US paperback edition of 1996 used the same cover artwork, except that the blurb now read "The best book so far on the Beach Boys: White not only illuminates their achievements, he takes the pulse of the American Dream as it applied in the crucial postwar years. Oh, that all rock books aspired to the scope, depth, and sheer vision of this masterly overview of the whole West Coast milieu/ethos. --Q"

Books: The Nearest Faraway Place (UK, 1996)

The Nearest Faraway Place: Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys and the Southern California Experience (Timothy White) Macmillan, UK hardback, 1996. ISBN 0333649370

Books: The Nearest Faraway Place (UK)

The Nearest Faraway Place (UK) (Timothy White) Pan books English paperback edition, 1997. ISBN 0330349732

Books: The Nearest Faraway Place (Japan)

The Nearest Faraway Place (Timothy White) P-Vine books, 2011. ISBN 4906700059